
rosimar-diaz avatar image
rosimar-diaz asked

High DC Ripple, Quattro 48/5000/70 and BYD Battery box 13.8

Actualmente tenemos una instalación con 4 inversores Victron Quattro 48/5000/70 y dos BYD Battery box 13.8, el sistema esta configurado como back up.

La residencia mantiene fluctuaciones de voltaje durante el día, y en algunos casos, las mismas dan problemas de High DC Ripple.

El sistema esta conectado de forma correcta con su cableado y torque correcto.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerLithium Battery
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Tom h avatar image Tom h commented ·

Could it be that lithium batteries have higher ripple at lower soc?

I have noticed a higher ripple at the tail end of the discharge curve where the battery voltage drops rapidly. I have built a 16s 6p pack from nissan leaf modules and DC ripple sits at 0.2v @ 100amps from 64-60v then rises to 0.4v below 60v. I will recheck this and see if it was'nt just my imagination

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