
Petar Maksimovic avatar image
Petar Maksimovic asked

Battery balancer alarm out to Cerbo

Quick question,

is there a way how to wire Battery balancer alarm output to Cerbo Gx and configure Cerbo to remotely monitor if alarm raises?

battery charging
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4 Answers
maikailife avatar image
maikailife answered ·

I see this question was never answered and I too would like to know the answer.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Usually you would do this through the battery monitor, such as the BMV712 or Smart Shunt, configured to measure midpoint voltage.

Although the balancer can raise alarms, its alarm function provides no information to help resolve the problem, so when an alarm goes off, you're faced with trouble shooting. AFIK, the Cerbo won't be able to use the alarm relay.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Yes you can wire the ballancer alarm output relay to one of the digital inputs on the cerbo and configure it as alarm input. I have done just that and it will alarm on the touch screen locally as well as in vrm.

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peggy avatar image
peggy answered ·

@derrick thomas Can you tell us how you did that in the setup of the garbo GX please

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
Connect the alarm output of the balancer to the digital input of the cerbo. Set the digital input as a 'bilge alarm'. You can set a custom name like 'midpoint voltage alarm' or whatever you want.
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