
imoulding avatar image
imoulding asked

Victron Multiplus compact 12/1600/70 overcharging marine leisure batteries

We have a Victron charging our 3 x 180ah 12v house batteries on our boat. The batteries were new this summer. We liveaboard and have been connected to shore power for 6 weeks. I noticed today the house batteries are being held at high voltage, there are only 1 or 2amps flowing in but the voltage is moving in a range of 14.8 to 15.1v. The multicontrol shows its in absorption phase. After switching off the charger voltage dropped down to 13.4. I left the charger off for 30 mins, it is now back on and holding the batteries between 14.5 and 14.7v, bulk and absorption lights are on, but steady, it's not equalising or forced absorption.

Anybody any ideas where I look, I hope it's not time for a new unit.

battery charging
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captain-mike avatar image captain-mike commented ·

Higher voltages could possibly be explained by temp compensation.

What are your target absorb and float voltages set at?

What is the temp of the batteries or the appx ambient temp where you are located?

How long was it at the elevated absorption voltage?

Did you notice this at a moment in time or have you seen it at those levels for an extended period?

Is the multiplus new to you or have you had it for some time?

Lastly, what brand batteries do you have?

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jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·

if it was working correctly in the past, i would suggest you check the voltage sense cables are secure,

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