
hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear asked

Multiplus & Autotransformer terminal/bolt sizes

I am trying to find the correct bolt/terminal sizes for the Multiplus 230V 5000VA and Autotransformer 100A. I have found scattered information in different manuals and am getting a bit frustrated. Can anyone point me to the correct documentation where this is available.

i.e. AC Input and Output, ground (internal and case), battery connections...etc

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @hummingbear

Most of this information should usually be in the product datasheet. That is where it belongs.

AC and DC connections for the MultiPlus are here -


The ground connections are sized the same as their actives for the 5000. It's listed in the overview of connections as an appendix to the manual. They are M8 for the case for the 5000 Multi.

It is not where it should be for autotransformers though. I will see that it gets added and update this answer once it is done.

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hummingbear avatar image hummingbear commented ·

Thank you. I'm not sure why I had such a hard time finding it. It would be nice if there was a visual schematic that showed the connections and their sizes.

Please let me know what you find with the Autotransformer

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·


image-17.png (23.3 KiB)
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hummingbear avatar image hummingbear commented ·

Thank you! That's helpful as I ordered the correctly sized terminals for my setup. Much appreciated

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ hummingbear commented ·

@hummingbear STOP PRESS!

I have just received conflicting information saying that

ITR000100001 Autotransformer 120/240Vac-32A the cable cross section is: 4mm² of AWG11

ITR000100101 Autotransformer 120/240Vac-100A the cable cross section is: 10mm² of AWG7

So now I am not sure which is true, and neither should be considered confirmed. Apologies about this. Standby....

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hummingbear avatar image hummingbear commented ·

ruh-roh - let me know when it's updated again :)

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