
tunapower avatar image
tunapower asked

Rasberry Pi With sixfab lte hat

I've been using the Raspberry Pi for monitoring for some time.

Recently i have been wanting to get these online to VRM.

I'm wondering if anyone has had any success adding a sixfab lte hat to the unit that is running Venus or are you all running an additional modem?

would be on the Telstra network in Austraila.

I'm just wanting to keep components down. possible that this is beyond my technical ability, but thought i'd ask.

Thanks for you time.

Venus OS4g
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2 Answers
Eric M. avatar image
Eric M. answered ·

I actually tried one of these out, couldn't get it to work. It seems like a good product, but ran into trouble getting the drivers installed with VenusOS. I think if I had managed to get the `apt-get` or `sudo` commands in the system I could have gotten further. But I stopped after a couple hours and bought a KuWifi 4G USB modem instead..

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netweb avatar image netweb commented ·
Nice, related in my mind, but maybe off topic too ;)

Would one of these KuWifi modems work with a mini travel router you think?

I’ve 2 RPi’s, one for Venus OS and one for Grafana/Influx DB and am thinking how to have a mini network in the 4x4 for both these devices…

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Eric M. avatar image Eric M. netweb commented ·
Hmm, I'm missing how its off topic, the OP was asking if anyone had tried that RPi hat. I did, unsuccessfully but perhaps a more proficient tinkerer could...

The KuWifi probably would work, it just takes power in via USB and creates a wifi network to access internet via modem and a sim card. Connecting just like any other hotspot device just without a battery, likely less signal strength.

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gone-sailing avatar image
gone-sailing answered ·

I use a Teltonika RUTX11 LTE Cat6 router. I tried all sorts of other lower cost options but the Teletonika LTE Cat6 is by far the best.

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Related Resources

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)

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