
dbainbridge avatar image
dbainbridge asked

Clarify Solar charge controller page and VE.Can

From the specs/manual it appears the reason you would want to choose a SmartSolar controller with VE.Can instead of one without is if you want multiple charge controllers to all be in perfect sync with each other as far as charging stages. Is this correct?

If so it would be really helpful if the top of the page at would mention that to make it easier for people to understand why you should choose one with that option or not. Everything else is explained at the top except for that.

MPPT SmartSolarVE.Can
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @dbainbridge, VE.Direct SmartSolar MPPTs on a VE.Smart Network can be synchronized, so the VE.Can models aren't required for that.

I'll also note that the separate VE.Can / VE.Direct models are going away and the newest models (not all of which are available yet) have both VE.Can and VE.Direct, so that issue will resolve itself soon enough!

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dbainbridge avatar image dbainbridge commented ·

Thanks Justin for the info! The "newest" models you speak of appear to be the ones listed that have the "VE.Can" mentioned on the model page? since those have both VE.Direct and VE.Can ports.

And thanks about the VE.Smart. That appears it uses bluetooth in the solar charge controllers to talk to each other. It also appears it works with the charge controllers that are hardwired together with VE.Can and a GX device? (wasn't clear how the hardwired and bluetooth connected ones communicate with each other unless that requires GX device)

"For chargers that are already connected and synchronised over VE.Can, pairing them in a VE.Smart Network is not necessary. In case they arepaired, the pairing will be ignored"

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