
Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird asked

How many Administrators can you have per VRM site?

Hello, We completed an installation yesterday of a Quattro, Cerbo GX and colour display, Smartshunt, MPPT, Ethernet to MFD integration and Auto generator start controlled from Cerbo GX. All works well. Client was on boat so invited to have VRM access. Client is electrically educated so provide “full access” on their access level on VRM. After that, my access was no longer available. That installation is missing from my VRM.

it is not a big concern but just for me to know next time, if “full access” is given to another user, do they become administrator? Can only one user have “full access” privileges?

Many thanks


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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

There can be as many users with either full or limited access as you like, it is a toggle in the user settings area of the installation.

Adding one does not remove another. This occurred some other way, and can only be done by a user with full access credentials.

You might want to ask your customer to re-enable you :)

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Trevor Bird avatar image Trevor Bird commented ·

Thanks Guy,

He must of deleted me the split second I gave him permission to do so!!! Hahaha! Lucky we had finished the configuration! I guess he thought “no need for this bloke any more!”



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