
deverm avatar image
deverm asked

Why is the Multiplus II cheaper than the old one?

My head is spinning after reading what I can find. The new model used to be more expensive? Is built cheaper? Has unresolved software bugs that are not in the “old” Multiplus?

We are switching from a 12V to a 24V house bank on a boat so need to buy new and make a decision. 24/3000 buy the new or the old? I plan to buy two for single phase parallel operation.

Multiplus-IIMultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerNew Products
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deverm avatar image deverm commented ·

The non response tells me I better get the good old Multiplus instead of the Multiplus II ;-)

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4 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @DeVerm,

People are still buying both models (which is why they are both still for sale), there is more to it than just the price.

I will give some of the reasons though, the MultiPlus-II;

  • Uses a new external casing now made from steel, not aluminium.
  • Uses a new and more modern circuit deposition technique, smaller chips with fewer integrated circuit components required. Less silicon overall.
  • Uses a single larger toroidal transformer, rather than two smaller ones (peak surge power rating is decreased slightly, but efficiency is increased)
  • Is physically smaller (due the reasons above) increasing units per container (and reducing shipping and warehousing costs).

None of those are necessarily inferior, but they all reduce the costs.

Both products are now mature, and built on the same power bridge, firmware, and power electronics platform. There are no unresolved software bugs that I am aware of.

There are some markets where the additional features of MultiPlus-II make it the necessary choice, such as the double acting AC input anti-islanding relays.

Others where the MultiPlus may still have advantages.

Victron will still happily sell either, and back them both with the same 5 year warranty (upgradable to 10! :)

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grizlyadams avatar image
grizlyadams answered ·

If you compare the 3000va MP and MPII (12v), the MPII is both heavier and bigger(18kg/.0211m³ v 19kg/0.0220m³), so the shipping cost savings do not apply

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
You work for Fedex?
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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

I think the transfer switch is also smaller, the old one has a higher rating.

I would rather use a bigger single unit then 2 parallel (Quattro or Multiplus 5000).

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powerwall105 avatar image
powerwall105 answered ·

Also if you look at the terminals: multiplus II looks way more cheaper made than the old one. I don't understand this decision to go for so cheap cable terminals... really it saved you so much $$, Victron?

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