
kai-behrends avatar image
kai-behrends asked

Control panel for two Battery systems 12V and 48V

For an offgrid boat installation I am planning to add a 48V LiFePo4 battery system to an existing LiFePo4 12V system. I am currently using a BMV 702 in combination to a Victron Energy Color Control GX to monitor the 12 V battery.

Is it possibile to monitor both battery with the Color Control? or do I need a second one or is there a monitor from Victron that can handle two batteries? do I need a second BMV?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

yes the BMV702 can monitor 2 batterys but only the Voltage is monitored on the second battery, and you can see both on the vrm if you have set this up

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kai-behrends avatar image kai-behrends commented ·

first of all thank you for the fast answer!
So the BMV can monitor both batteries but the color control can only display one, is that right?

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luckybeanz avatar image
luckybeanz answered ·

Also very interested in this as building a similar system and trying to figure out if I'll need two networks or if they can all be on one. E.g. 1 colour control or cerbo gx can monitor both batteries. I'll be using REC BMS.

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