
Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard asked

Lynx Power in - Distributor

Quattro 15Kva-240V-48V- 4x4 (16 total) Victron 220 gel batteries 12V x 4 = 48V . 2 MPPT250/100

Triyng to find the best and nice looking solution to connect all 4 parallel string of batteries . Planning to use a negative and a positive bus bar receiving all 4 negative cables and all 4 positive ones.

Wondering if the Lynx power in can do the job : Receiving 4 of each lugs on the side connectors , and receiving the 2 MPPT and the Quattro + accessories (via the BMV712 Shunt) on the bottom connectors ?

Grateful for assistance

lynx shunt
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Odd timing, My conversion to Lithium (and Cerbo) – by Stefanie, was posted yesterday.

Plenty of info here.

Wiring unlimited has plenty more info.

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Herve RV Nizard avatar image
Herve RV Nizard answered ·

@klim8skeptic. Thank you. I was on this page of the lynx. So do you think it can do the job ?

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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