
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.60~42 available for testing

Good day all,

Since just now, v2.60~42 is available for field testing. One more fix- details below.

This post is intended for all people participating in the Venus OS Beta test program.

Changes since v2.60~41

  • Fix two bugs in the canbus driver, both introduced during v2.60 development:
    • Make sure a VE.Bus system is also found when the AC-input is found later. (applies to systems where the VE.Bus inverter, or inverter/chargers, are connected via canbus, rather than directly on the VE.Bus port)
    • Prevent a potential crash when a vebus system gets disconnected.

Complete preliminary v2.60 change log

Highlights of v2.60 are the new ESS Feed-in limiter, new Ethernet connected energy meters, better tank monitoring as well as much improved NMEA2000-out feature and other changes mostly benefited from by our Marine customers. Full change log in this PDF:

Venus OS - firmware changelog - v2.60 beta version.pdf

(updated to v2.60~42 - no changes since ~41)

Next steps (same as last time)

We are still finding and fixing various small issues. Once stabilised we'll release v2.60. Everyone here is really keen to do so, its time to start working on something fresh again! And.. its time have all the new features finished & available ofcourse. Which means maybe next week, maybe one more week, or even longer in case something serious shows up - hopefully not.

All the best, and have a good day/evening/morning!


Venus OS
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5 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Not sure if this is a dev issue as I have not, until now, run into this situation since being on the RC.

I have noticed with ESS and optimised (batterysafe) that the system is ignoring the active SOC limit (80%) in ESS and continuing to use the user-set limit (75%). Not sure if this is expected but I recall it behaving differently on the GA version.

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Izak (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Nick,

Could you provide me with site details and a time window so I can look at what you observed? There has been no modifications to the BatteryLife algorithm, and it is extensively tested with unit tests, so I would be really surprised if this turns out to be true. I already tried to reproduce it and failed.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

@Izak (Victron Energy Staff) I checked 2 other sites, 1 on the current RC the other on 2.57.

This may just be how it works, but hopefully you can clarify it.

The other site also has a 5% difference between active SOC limit and the user set limit, it also ran down beneath this limit to 70%, instead of the 75% active limit.

The other on the GA version (don't think it is a version issue), has a 10% difference between active SOC (80%) and the user limit (70%). The system kicked to grid at 75% midway between the two limits.

Perhaps the algorithm doesn't like small (5%) differences but for our use case in South Africa with load shedding, sticking to these limits is quite important.

portal ID 0479b7efbaae

Feel free to mail me for more info.


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Izak (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

OK, after looking at the data from yesterday, it seems this is possibly only a misunderstanding of how BatteryLife works. Short answer: Nothing is wrong here.

Your active SOC limit was in fact 75% at 3AM this morning when it stopped discharging the battery. This made me wonder why you would have thought it was 80%, so I looked at more data from yesterday, and noted that it was indeed at 80% for most of yesterday, until around 2PM when your battery exceeded 85% SOC, then it was decreased again to 75%. Maybe you remembered the 80% and didn't look again after 2PM.

BatteryLife works more or less like this. When the battery discharges to the active SOC limit, the SOC limit is increased by 5%. If it then reaches 85%, the SOC limit is decreased again by 5%, and if it reaches 95%, it is decreased by another 5%.

The effect is that:

1. On any day where you fail to reach 85% SOC, it will go into the next day with a 5% higher active SOC limit.

2. On any day where you reach 85% but not 95%, the active SOC limit would remain unchanged into the next day.

3. On any day where you reach 95% SOC, the active SOC limit will be reduced by 5%.

Since you reached 85% SOC at 2PM yesterday, you went into the new day with a 75% active SOC limit.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

@Izak (Victron Energy Staff)Thanks for the feedback. You are correct, it was 80% yesterday. It was 80% this morning when I checked (as it is now), so would it have upped it again to 80% at some point between 3am and 7am?

Unfortunately I can't check history of the active SOC.

As long as it is working as expected.

Thanks again.

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Izak (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Indeed, this morning at 3AM it would have increased the minimum to 80% again, and this afternoon (assuming you have more sun than I do today and you get back to 85% SOC), it will drop down to 75% again.

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n-dee avatar image
n-dee answered ·


Running on 2.60 / 42 without problems.

One thing I noticed:

after the upgrade one of my MPPT's (all of them VE-BUS) got a new adress.

(The old one is shown in widgets in web console as well and I can't delete it)



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n-dee avatar image n-dee commented ·

after two days the old one is now shown as seen before two days and can be deleted.

So - no issues, just minor glitch...

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ n-dee commented ·

Thumbs up @N-DEE !

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Robert Riebli avatar image
Robert Riebli answered ·

Hi, i have an 1 phase ESS System, with Critical Loads.


Multiplus-II 48/3000/35-21 with Fw 475


Problem with Runing on 2.60-41

When AC IN off, the Inverter turn off and start flashing LED's (no Output AC)

Back to 2.57, it goes like it should.



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, thank you for the report!

we tried to reproduce your issue, but could not.

can you still reproduce it?

and which LEDs are on?

And whats the name of the site on vrm that has this issue?

we were planning to make the full v2.60 release tomorrow morning, and this unconfirmed issue is currently the only one possibly holding it back.

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Robert Riebli avatar image Robert Riebli mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hello Matthijs,
Unfortunately I have no access to the system today and tomorrow. Absent there. 
What I can also say that Cerbo is powered by the grid, and if there is a power failure, a relay switches to DC power from the batteries. So the Cerbo has to restart. Ev. is this a problem! I can this installation Change, that the Cerbo powered by the DC-Power always.
The VRM Site Name is Bahnhofstrasse 7, ID 28ede02cf070
Its an 1phase ESS and 1 phase PV System, The PV System is on AC in, and on DC Busbar is an Smartsolar 100/20 48V. The Hole System is 3phase TN-S
The Grid Meter is an Carlo Gavazzi.

I would give the clearance if they couldn't reproduce the bug.
Ev. have i make am mistake by programming...

When the 2.6 is online, i take it to the cerbo, and look how it works.

Greetings Robi

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Robert Riebli commented ·

ok - thank you for the quick reply!

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Robert Riebli avatar image
Robert Riebli answered ·

Hello mvader

I did the following: Step 1, update Cerbo to Venus 2.6. With the old wiring If there is a power failure and the Cerbo has to restart because there is a brief interruption when switching the power supply for it, the inverter switches off. Which lights are flashing: Float is always on, Bulk and absorption light up together, delete these, then the light of the inverter lights up. and so on.

Step 2 I always have the power supply for the Cerbo from the battery, no interruption. Then the inverter continues to run as expected.

Finding: With Venus 2.57 it runs despite an interruption.

Not with Venus 2.6 (if the Cerbo has to restart)



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girbar avatar image
girbar answered ·

Hi. After this update last night on a scheduled charge, the battery stayed at 99% and a voltage of 59V (AGM 48V). After canceling the programmed load and having consumption in the house, it was set to 100% and the voltage dropped to its normal value. It takes a long time to go to the floating state and many times it does not change (google translator).

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