
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.60~38 available for testing

Hello all

Today we made a new version available for testing.

For more background information, see the previous post:


There has been an issue reported; and verified; that its impossible to return to the main menu from the overview pages. Which is normally done by pressing the right soft button.

So far, we’ve been unable to reproduce this. If you can, please let us know how.

There must be a certain series of events/button presses/or system type that leads up to this issue.

The issue was seen in the v2.60 beta series, and also in v2.57.

Changes since ~37:

  • Add Romanian translation
  • Improve Spanish translation
  • Fix German translation
  • NMEA2000-out: add battery temperature as measured by the (VE.Bus-) inverter/charger to the related PGN.
  • Fix Scheduled charging state still showing when first enabling that and thereafter changing ESS mode to Keep batteries charged; thank you @nickdb for reporting.
  • Marine HTML5 app: fix showing and hiding the Generator control component based on the Relay function. Bug was introduced during v2.60 development.
  • Improve Remote Console on VRM stability - fixes issue where Remote console on would show as “enabled but offline” some times and fixeable by rebooting the GX device. Thank you Mark for reporting.

  • Fix Cerbo VRM Portal ID issue when using an external wifi dongle; this issue was introduced in v2.56/v2.57 and also released as a fix in v2.58.

Have a great weekend, Matthijs

Venus OS
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) thanks, when do you think the release will be GA?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @nickdb, we're hoping Monday next week. But sofar all expectations and whishes have proven to be too optimistic wrt v2.60 ;-).

Time will tell, quality goes before speed here.

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rainerb avatar image rainerb commented ·

Hi @mvader (Victron Energy),

in an earlier v2.60 release I reported that the new grid feed in limit does not work all the time as it should. There are (few) days were it works and on other days it simply does not limit grid feed-in.

Finally you said that my Fronius Galvo is not supported anymore by Victron.

So does that mean that all people with Galvos cannot use the "Fronius Zero feed-in" function anymore once v2.60 is officially released???

If I remember correctly, the zero feed-in worked with Venus v.2.53 and earlier versions.



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ rainerb commented ·

Goodmorning Rainer,

I don't think the Galvo was working well before v2.60. I think it never worked well. We don't have one ourselves.

To find out, can you install v2.53 and see if it works well there?

the old versions are available for download here: (select your platform, and then go to images - thereafter install using the offline install method).

best regards, Matthijs

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rainerb avatar image rainerb mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hello @mvader (Victron Energy),

as you suggested, I installed v2.53 from the backup partition and I played around with it.

So far it is only a quick test, but when switching Fronius Zero feed-in on/off there is ALWAYS the immediate proper response from the fronius galvo (=ramp up/down to the grid setpoint).

Changing the grid setpoint to eg. -300W, immediate ramp up of the fronius to meet the new setpoint.

The regulation is a bit bumpy and not so exact and slower as with deactivated zero feed-in, but the fronius galvo (with datamanager card) does what the GX v2.53 is submitting to him.

So, I don't know if the feed-in limitation variant in v2.60 is completely another programming method but in my opinion there is really no technical barrier to control and limit a Galvo too.



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ rainerb commented ·

Just a note since I'll lock the ~38 thread now:

This issue us under discussion in a support ticket - its still unclear what is going on in this system.

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2 Answers
maha avatar image
maha answered ·

The installed Fronius in my system will not shown anymore ...

To go back to Firmware Venus OS v2.60~37 didn't help.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Maha, last change made to the Fronius drivers in Venus OS was 4 months ago, in an early v2.60 beta version.

This could be a network issue, can you check?

We can also have a look, for that you'll need to enable Remote Support.

Best place by the way to see the status is on the Devicelist on the GX Device itself, or on VRM, like here:

(this is your site)

Thank you, Matthijs

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maha avatar image maha commented ·

I enabled Remote Support for you...

Best regards


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maha avatar image maha maha commented ·

At the Fronius I set the WiFi-Access Point for a minute to "on" and then back to "off".

I don't understand what happens but now it works again.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

VenusOS Large Image v2.60~28 related, but since the thread is locked, I'm answering here. It well could be a problem with 38 tho:

I have a Phoenix 12/375 Inverter VE.Direct connected to a Cerbo GX. When I use the GX Touch to switch the Inverter On and press the back button (top left) before the action is confirmed, the GX Touch gets locked completely. The only way to get out of the lock state is to reboot the Cerbo. Remote Console still works fine, so does the Cerbo and the GX Touch changes screen in sync with the Remote Console via LAN, just that the GX Touch itself does not react anymore to any touch action.
Probably a wrong use of the GX Touch, but I can see that other people may do it the same way.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Stefanie yes, that bug is fixed already. In v2.57 as well as v2.60~something-after-28 :-).

You'll have a new large image soon!

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you Matthijs :-)

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