
carloa avatar image
carloa asked

Air conditioner with DC 36V input


For an air conditioner application with a 36V DC input (more precisely 30V<input<40V) I want to use batteries to power it.

Which Victron E product could either:

-charge a 36V battery bank, or

-convert 12V/24V dc to 36V dc



chargerOrion DC-DC Converters not smartdc system
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1 Answer
banana avatar image
banana answered ·

An Orion DC to DC converter with a 24V nominal output could supply 20V-30V, and an Orion with a 48V nominal output could supply 40V-60V.

What’s the maker and model of this AC?

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carloa avatar image carloa commented ·

Banana, thanks for your feedback.

I think than in both cases that you mentioned we fall outside of the 30V-40V zone? (or really tight)

The AC is an G-Lux, model ASR-GL-12R2.

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Victron DC-DC converters product page

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