
sarah1331 avatar image
sarah1331 asked

Smart solar 100/15 load output won’t turn on

Hi all I have tried to turn load output on in the app but it remains off I have reset the settings

disconnected battery

Disconnect pv

I have tried almost everything

Even reinstalled FW I do get a pulse on a connected led light that’s it it shows off in the main screen of the app but always on in the settings

no jumper applied either any other ideas ?? Only done 6kwh from new

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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi @Sarah1331 I'd propose you also try to reinstall the app and try another device if it is an option. If the problem is on IOS, try Android if possible. Which version of the app are you running and also version of the device

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sarah1331 avatar image
sarah1331 answered ·

Hi thanks for that I am using latest iOS also tried the latest beta

The device is on FW 1.50

not got an android device to try but another iOS device renders the same if I login and look at settings it shows always on but it’s off in the main screen and the physical output is off

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

Hi Sarah What happens if you test it without the led? Do you maybe have another 12v device (not led) you can test with? There is another post where the circuit won't swith off and I have encountered the same on a new device once too. If you exhausted these testing options, your dealer can test and replace it.

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