
sidewinder avatar image
sidewinder asked

Cerbo GX and Touch Screen not showing Victron charger.

I have just installed a Cerbo GX and touch screen. I have a Smartsolar 100/50 via VE cable, BMV712 via VE cable, Phoenix Smart 12/50 charger via VE cable and a ET112 via USB for inverter. On the main screen I cant see the charger. How do I select devices to see on the screen. In the menu I can see the charger and its output but it does not show on the main screen. I also don't need to see shore power.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @sidewinder,

Unfortunately the Phoenix Smart 12/50 charger is not supported as a display on the overview screen.

There are a few supported customisations that can be done to the layout of the display, but they are done as part of a system configuration. For example enabling a grid meter in an ESS system will provide an additional AC side information, and enabling 'Has DC" will enable the calculated DC power display.

The AC input Shore/Grid/Generator box will remain blank if it is not used, but not disabled.

There is a little bit in the Cerbo GX manual about this, but I agree it could be expanded and clarified.

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toine-schinkel avatar image
toine-schinkel answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Hello, an additional question; can someone tell me if the phoenix smart charger IP43 is supported by the Cerbo GX? And if so, why doesn't it show up on the screen?

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