
Wayne avatar image
Wayne asked

Wrong cable for programming

Hello, I bought a mk3-usb cable to program a multiplus inverter I bought secondhand.

Unfortunately I now realise it's an old inverter that doesn't have ve-bus only the old 485 protocol.

Is it the mk2-usb cable I require?

If so does anyone have an MK2 cable they want to swap with a MK3 that I have bought in error?

Thank you, Wayne.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE โ™ฆ commented ยท

In this community are people all over the world, so you should at least write where you are from.

Otherwise the shipping maybe costs more than a new MK2.

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Wayne avatar image Wayne Matthias Lange - DE โ™ฆ commented ยท

So sorry, I'm in Portugal.

Also I'm not sure what variables I'd be able to change with the multiplus I have.

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