
dayandnight avatar image
dayandnight asked

ESS Assitant and AC Current sensor new version are aivailable

Hello Victronauts,

today when entering VE-Config I got a message that some assistants are available in newer version and I should do an update.

For my installation there are newer versions available for ESS Assitant and AC Current sensor

I have tried to find a version log or any information what has changed in this new versions but without success.

Does any one have an idea where I can find such informations for the newer versions?

Thanks a lot


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerAssistants
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You can find the changelog in the Victron Dropbox/via Victron professional portal.

The assistant changelog is in "Firmwares/VE.Bus (Multis, Inverters and Quattros)"

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dayandnight avatar image
dayandnight answered ·

Hello @Matthias Lange - DE

thank you! I found the file.

It is a DOCX - Help! S.O.S. !!! Extrem whistle for help!!! How painful is this????

Without having a Microsoft Word all my available tools and there are many as openoffice, libreoffice, notepad+, standard windows tools as notepad and, and, and won't read this file.

The only way I found to read it was an APP from Windows APP Shop named DOC Viewer Fee which is able to show the file but this app isn't able to do anything else. No save as, no print, nothing. This app doesn't have any user interface other than showing the document very, very slow in speed. Even navigation in the file is a pain.

Did I miss a detail or point, which makes it easier to read this "changelog-file"?

Perhaps I did something wrong but when downloading the file. By downloading with firefox it appears on the local system without any file-extension on a actual windows 10 system. I tried to download it with Chrome - it had on my windows system the right file extension, but nevertheless it is still a docx which is a pain to read without having a word.

Hi guys at Victron! Really? I love you! But we are speaking of a changelog file! It isn't a documentation of reinventing the Internet! ;-)

Any hint what I can do to read this changelog file in normal way and without buying a Microsoft office package is more than welcome!


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

I use LibreOffice too and have no problems opening .docx files.

Also OpenOffice should be able to open such files.

As I know .docx is an open source format.

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