
overl42 avatar image
overl42 asked

What causes 1 of 2 MPPTs to read zero watts when part of my VE Smart Network?

My small setup consists of 4 AGM batteries wired in Parallel. I have 2 MPPTs charging same 12v battery bank wired in parallel. One controller for fixed roof mounted solar array, 2 100w panels wired in parallel. Second MPPT for bumper mounted plug for portable panels, two 120w wired in series. I have a smart sense battery monitor and all devices are networked, ve smart connect. Maybe not an issue but I regularly observe where one MPPT will show 0 watts, battery state “off” with the other MPPT showing watts and state could be bulk, absorption, etc. If networked I would think both MPPTs would be charging. What am I missing here?

mppt chargingVE.Smart Network
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ningaloo avatar image ningaloo commented ·

Not sure if I have similar issues. My sytem not really under load (approx 1.2A constant) at present so difficult to be sure.

I have 2x120W panels which currently produce approx 0.3kW a day through a 100/20 SmartSolar. My other 2x80W panels are only producing 0.05kW through a 75/15 SmartSolar.

At peak summer when the boat was in use I saw up to 1.3kW from the larger panels and 0.7kW from the smaller panels but the smaller panels output seemed to drop off significantly during the season. I have checked the open circuit voltage which appears to be as specified.


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4 Answers
loxley avatar image
loxley answered ·

Hi there. Are both MPPT controllers on the latest firmware?

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overl42 avatar image
overl42 answered ·

Yes, I just made sure everything i have networked is on the lastest firmware.

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overl42 avatar image
overl42 answered ·

Is it possible that the main mppt will shut down the secondary if the power is not needed due to lack of load?

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allen-goldstein avatar image
allen-goldstein answered ·

I have the same issue right out of the box. I just installed two 75/10s each on one 110 W panel and connected in parallel with the house battery. The load outputs are disconnecred and turned off. Shorepower is off and I am running enough load for both chargers.

At first, both were producung power. After an hour or so one went to 0 W and the draw on the battery went up. After some troubleshooting. I was able to get it working by disabling BOTH chargers then starting the one outputting 0W first then the other. Only disabling the one that was producing power did not cause the one at 0 W to come back without restarting it also.

Everything seemed fine for another hour or so then it happened again.

This is anew install and I am just starting to test it and this happened. There seems to be a couple of threads on this but no real answers.

I wondder if this is a defect that needs a warrantee d replacement.

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allen-goldstein avatar image allen-goldstein commented ·
Bump. Can someone address this? I'm considering sending both charges back on an RMA. But I think replacements would just act the same.
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ allen-goldstein commented ·
Need more info...

Post some screenshots voltages, detailed history.

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allen-goldstein avatar image allen-goldstein klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
I will post a new question with more details.
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VE.Smart Networking Manual