
Dale avatar image
Dale asked

Firmware update disconnects me when grid goes down


I updated from VeBus Fw 408, I have noticed if the grid goes down this takes my inverter out with it I presume this is due to g98/g99 regulations. But however this is a pain for me as I suffer frequent outages and they can be anything from a few seconds up to an house. I am able to disconnect from the grid manually and before I updated I could do this and the inverter still work.

But now I am unable to do so is there a workaround for this? or do I just have to put up with this.

Multiplus-IIfirmware update
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1 Answer
Jaco Reinecke avatar image
Jaco Reinecke answered ·


If I understand your question, this is perfectly normal. Takes about 60+second to sync with the grid again, when the grid goes down, each time.

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