
technomad avatar image
technomad asked

Is there any discharging current left when the Multi's inverter is disabled

I have connected the BMS of an other lithium battery to a MultiPlus with opto-couplers and installed assistant 'two-signal BMS Support'.
This works perfect for all use cases.

My question: is there any discharging current left when the Multi's inverter is disabled and the charger is enabled?

I'm afraid the batteries will be deep discharged and damaged when the system is not monitored for a longer time.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerBMS
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Yes. There is some discharge current to keep the CPU and supporting circuits running.
The discharge current is very low, I can measure below 40mA. Think about this another way, it is about 0.9Ah per day.

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technomad avatar image technomad commented ·

Hello WKirby,

thank you very much for the quick response!
Now I have some facts to handle with.


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