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mbelgil asked

Skylla-TG 24/50 Charger Inexplicably Dead

My Skylla-TG 24/50 Charger has suddenly and inexplicably stopped working completely. No lights on front when power coming in (from genset), and no charge going to batteries. I have tried to disconnect and reconnect with no luck.

Inside the unit there are no obvious places that look 'burnt out' and the fuses that I can see don't have visible damage. I've only noticed one small chip on the PCB that seems to be damaged, or even broken (see photo).

I'm assuming that a fuse may have blown, so I will try to source replacements. Other than that, do I have any other options to try before replacing the whole thing at great expense?

On a related note: is it recommended to put a fuse breaker before the power input of the charger to avoid future fuse breaks (if that's what happened)?

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