
mika2a avatar image
mika2a asked

How charging second backup battery from solar installation

Dear everone,

I dont know how charging with my solar system my second battery. This battery is used for recovery. When the voltage was low during the night principaly, i swith the principal battery for the backup battery.

But i dont know charging rhis battery ???

My solar system was configurated like this :

Solar panel power : 5640 Wc to a MPPT 150/100 who charge 4 Batteries AGM Deep discharge 230Ah serie connected for 48 volts. A multiplus 48/5000 is connected to the batteries to produce 230 volts AC.

I have 4 another battery for my backup (180Ah lead acide maintenance free) that i need to charge.

But how charging ? A MPPT is only for one système of charge (my principal AGM battery). Or using a cyrix switch ?

Do you have a solution, an idea for my système ?

Thank you so much for your help.


Sorry for my english

battery charging
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

A simple and easy way to achieve what you want is a cyrix-ct 24/48V 120A.
The cyrix will combine you batteries when the MPPT charges your primary batteries and disconnect when you discharge your primary batteries.
(the exact voltage levels are in the datasheet)

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mika2a avatar image
mika2a answered ·

Thanks you Matthias for your answer. Yes the cyrix will be the great system.

But i don't know if it's a problem, i have two differents batteries (AGM and Classic flooded) and my MPPT is configured for AGM Battery. I would not distroy my AGM battery when the cyrix switch the second battery !

I see the datasheet for the profil selector ...

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