
leftishut avatar image
leftishut asked

Can I use the Venus GX to program and monitor a multiplus and a Phoenix?

I have a multiplus 24/3000 and a Phoenix 24/1200. I bought 2 Ve.buss dongles but now understand that was a waste of money. Apparently I can use one for the multiplus but it is very limited. So I would need to buy a Ve. Direct for the Phoenix and a program usb cable for the multiplus.

Could I return the bus dongles and just get the Venus GX to monitor and program both? Even if only one at a time? The cost is not much higher.

Venus GX - VGX
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

For the Phoenix you need a BT dongle or USB cable.
For the MultiPlus you can use "remote VE.config" via the VRM portal to change the settings.
But if you want to update the firmware of the Multi you need a MK3.

2 |3000

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