
apple17 avatar image
apple17 asked

Venus and color control. Can they work together in the same system to increase input numbers? or Venus can control external I/O module?


I have a question about Venus and color control. Can they work together in the same system to increase input numbers? or Venus can control external I/O module?


Venus GX - VGX
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

No, they can't operate in a master / slave configuration.

There isn't an expansion module for I/O.

Depending upon what you are wanting to do, maybe you can communicate with the device with MQTT or Modbus-TCP with an external device?

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apple17 avatar image apple17 commented ·


Thank you for your answer. Actually, I need more relay outputs to control actuators for PV panels. So do you advice if I need more input and/or outputs how can I manage with Venus OS


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Craig Myatt avatar image Craig Myatt apple17 commented ·

Not sure if this is still relevant/needed, but I am using an Industrial Shields Arduino PLC (relay type), which I plan to read Venus GX PV data, via Modbus TCP. If you used a similar system, you would have to program the Arduino for the relay operation, (and to read the Modbus registers of the Venus) for your PV switches/relays. Some off the shelf PLCs may also give this functionality, (eg Siemens) although not sure how you would go programming those PLCs to read the Modbus registers from the Venus, via TCP. Just a thought...

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