
Chris Dobson avatar image
Chris Dobson asked

VRM live data on web site

We would like to display live VRM data on our website to help customers understand the possibilities.Our office and soon our test boat would be the two subjects. Any ideas if or how it could be done.


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2 Answers
pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ยท

They have a JSON API:

Your web developer should be able to use that to get the data to show stats on your site.

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Chris Dobson avatar image Chris Dobson commented ยท

Thanks for your reply. I do all the web site stuff myself but that is a bit beyond me. However my sister company hasa guy who is pretty good at this so I will ask him.

As our Victron boat project progresses it would be fantastic to be able to show live data on the site to get customers engaged with the technology.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

Hi @Chris Dobson

It's certainly possible, and Victron indeed have a "Try our demo" button on the front page of their main website

It seems to just send you to the address

'Quirks' may arise with this, and you may find it defaults to your own system(s). That might be what you want to see, but also might need a login name & p/w, maybe dependent on when you last logged in.

If it sends you to the Victron selection of sites, you can 'Log out' and log back in, then it should find your own VRM site.

Try it..

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Chris Dobson avatar image Chris Dobson commented ยท

Thanks for the reply. I have just tried this and it says site refused to connect. (The box on the right). It was well worth a try though.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ Chris Dobson commented ยท

Yeh, I'm no webmaster. And can't even test for you on an 'unaware' pc. But VRM also allows you to share your own url to outsiders, and perhaps you could work something like that in?

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