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smartmpower asked

Inverter Control Capability (API/Dispatch/SOC)

Hi there,

It would be very much appreciated if you could assist with my query

I am working on a R&D initiative,I am setting up a residential SolarPV-Battery system with the capabilities dispatch power based on requests

I am trying to find out if the inverter can be control to dispatch based on SOC%

Can I remotely read the SOC level through the inverter of batteries

Can I send a request to the inverter to dispatch power for a 10 minute period. The amount of power to be dispatched will be known by the SOC levels of the batteries.



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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The inverter is not addresses directly.
You can use MQTT or MODBUS-TCP via the Venus gateway device (CCGX oe VenusGX typically).

Download the Modbus-TCP register list for a list of available registers from the whitepapers section:

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