
nordpv avatar image
nordpv asked

no solar history in VRM - actual mqtt-pv-inverter data is shown


I'm using Cerbo GX with Multiplus II 5k and some pylontech batteries as ESS AC-parallel.

PV-Inverter is Kostal Plenticore on AC-In (parallel to Multiplus II). To see pv-inverter data in cerbo (and VRM) i'm using .

Actual power is correctly shown on both (cerbo and VRM), but there is no (historical) energy data shown on VRM...


Is it possible to get this data added?


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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @NordPV,

I think this is an issue with how that 3rd party code writes to the dbus. You're probably best starting a ticket in their GitHub and hopefully the author can resolve it.

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nordpv avatar image
nordpv answered ·

what data is additionally needed by the VRM ?
Actual power is sent every 5 seconds...any more info needed ?

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There is a brief specification of what is expected here, looks like the AC/Energy/Forward kWh data is missing

Here is another implementation for different devices that I believe work correctly -

But from here the solution should really be explored on the GitHub for the modification you are using, this is not a VRM issue.

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nordpv avatar image
nordpv answered ·

i had to add an additional measurement to my NodeRed Flow:


now - i see solar-data in VRM

Thank you!

Ove :-)

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