
cdsahin avatar image
cdsahin asked


Hi Eveyone,

I have been trying to access the API data from MATLAB. However, I get en error of which screenshot is below. I am sure my credentials are correct.

Has anyone ever tried to pull the API data from MATLAB using RESTful request-response model?

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1 Answer
Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ยท

Hi! Make sure that you write a JSON object, see the โ€˜Write JSON objectโ€™ section here:

2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

cdsahin avatar image cdsahin commented ยท

Hi Teun,

Thank you. It worked! I managed to receive the 'token' and 'idUser'.

However, this time, I have another issue regarding using the 'token' and 'idUser' information to pull the API data. Do you have any suggestion about how it can be done? Somehow, I should find a way to use the 'token' and 'idUser'.

Here are my code and error message:

url = ''

data = jsonencode(struct('username','***','password','***'))

response = webwrite(url,data)

headerFields = {'Authorization', ['Bearer ', response.token]};
options = weboptions('HeaderFields', headerFields, 'ContentType','json');

url2 = (''+ string(response.idUser) +'/installations')

resp2 = webwrite(url2,options);

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Teun Lassche avatar image Teun Lassche โ™ฆ cdsahin commented ยท

It's been a while since I did a lot of matlab, but I think you should do it like this:

headerFields = {'Authorization', ['Bearer ' response.token]};
options = weboptions('HeaderFields', headerFields, 'ContentType','json');

url2 = (''+ string(response.idUser) +'/installations')

resp2 = webwrite(url2,[], options);

Note the subtle changes in the bearer array and the webwrite call arguments.

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ldoppler avatar image ldoppler Teun Lassche โ™ฆ commented ยท

I just needed to retrieve data from the VRM using Matlab recently. The following code is working right. In the code above "X-" was missing before "Authorization" in the header fields and the webwrite works with and without [] as second argument of the webwrite

url = '';
data = jsonencode(struct('username', username,'password',password));
response = webwrite(url,data);

headerFields = {'X-Authorization', ['Bearer ' response.token]};
options = weboptions('HeaderFields', headerFields, 'ContentType','json');
url2 = (''+ string(response.idUser) +'/installations');

resp2 = webwrite(url2, options);

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