
martinwinlow avatar image
martinwinlow asked

VRM Portal Says "no data to display"...

Hi All,

Most confused. I logged on this morning to the VRM Portal for my system (a Multiplus-II with CCGX connected to interweb via wired LAN) and initially it showed a graphical plot of the system voltage as I would expect. A minute or so later I returned to the VRM Portal window and it had refreshed to no graph and just "System overview - Last updated 15 minutes ago, status OK - no data to display" on an otherwise blank screen.

Any ideas?


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3 Answers
martinwinlow avatar image
martinwinlow answered ยท

Ah... To answer my own question, clicking on the "time range" control at the bottom and selecting any option restores the graph. Odd!

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Afonso Indias Zagalo avatar image
Afonso Indias Zagalo answered ยท

Please advise wath operating system you are using

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martinwinlow avatar image martinwinlow commented ยท

OSX V10.11.6 and Safari V11.1.2

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

Hi @martinwinlow

This may be just a 'time zone' setting. You may not have this set up, but I find the best way is to set your location in VRM, and delete it in the GX.

Without the web, onsite Victron kit doesn't know what day it is, but VRM can fix that, even follow you round the world. Daylight saving changes are dealt with, and will even show your outside temp from the nearest 'station'.

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martinwinlow avatar image martinwinlow commented ยท

Yes, thank you. That seems to have fixed it.

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