
kuranaga avatar image
kuranaga asked

Autotransformer for grid tied inverter 120V to split phase?


can I use the autotransformer to step up a 120V/60Hz grid tied inverter to feed on split phase 240/120V grid?

I have a wind turbine and a 120V grid tied inverter for it, but it only feeds one leg on 120V. There are no 120/240V dedicated wind turbine inverters to my knowledge.

It is clear that I could use the autotransformer with off grid 120V inverter to create an off-grid 240/120V split phase output (depicted in autotransformer manual). However will it also work with grid tied inverter? If not, why not?

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1 Answer
kuranaga avatar image
kuranaga answered ·

nobody knows?

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