
anders-rhodin avatar image
anders-rhodin asked

Where to find release notes for different firmware versions?

I'm trying to find out where I can get the release notes for each firmware version for my MPPT 75/15. The current version is 1.46. But I have no clue what improvements were made to the 1.45 version (for example). I'm very interested to find out when the improvement to synchronize multiple controllers will be implemented. Thanks

firmware update
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

After register and logging in into the Victron Professional Portal you can find all current firmwares and a change-log.

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pmikep avatar image pmikep commented ·

I 'm not a Victron "Professional." I went to the "professional" page to try to see the change logs. Naturlich, I cannot create an account.

Is there a (good) reason why Victron doesn't publish the change logs for products that even non-professionals use? (E.g, Multiplus, MPPT controller, etc.) It would be helpful for all of us to know what changed, so we can know what to look for in new versions.

Same comment for Victron Connect,

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falkon avatar image falkon commented ·

Just a notice for anyone looking for additional information made available in the Victron Professional Portal:

  • You can register to the Professional Portal even if you are not a "professional" -- the Professional Portal allows you to register also as the End Users

(information valid as of 07/2024)

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ falkon commented ·

It never was a requirement to be a professional to create an account.

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anders-rhodin avatar image
anders-rhodin answered ·

Thanks. I am registred and logged in (as a user) on the Victron Professional Portan. I can find the file "Solar Charge Controller MPPT 75-15 SMART v1.47_A053.dup" in the firmware folder. But I do not find any relevant change log. I do find the "mpptdump changelog.txt" document. But that doesn't tell me anything about version 1.46...

I'm probably doing something wrong, so please guide me.

Regards, Anders

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anders-rhodin avatar image
anders-rhodin answered ·

I think I found it. So please ignore my previous response.

Thanks again. Anders

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