
Mikael avatar image
Mikael asked

Missing VRM consumption

I rarely see consumption in the VRM portal. How can that be, and what can I do to keep it there? I can see it maybe once a month.

The difference between the pictures is just a refresh of the web browser so just seconds between.


SmartSolar 100/250

MultiPlus II

2 x Pylontech US2000

I have the last firmware on the Victron devices.

1575609279740.png (166.1 KiB)
1575609304657.png (141.4 KiB)
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2 Answers
Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ยท

@Mikael Do you have a VRM URL for me? (can just be the regular URL, share URL is not required). Then I can lookup your usecase

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Mikael avatar image Mikael commented ยท

I think this should be correct. It's not shared.

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Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ยท

@Mikael Thanks! A fix for the bug that occurred with the graph display between subsequent refreshes is just deployed. Regarding the requirements for consumption to show up I'd like to point you to this page:

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Mikael avatar image Mikael commented ยท

@Teun Lassche (Victron Energy Staff) I can't see any differens but if I understand the documentation this is because I use "Has DC System" as most consumption is DC in our system. Is this correct?

Today we only use the Multiplus II to charge the batteries but will use AC in the future for som appliances.

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