
houser avatar image
houser asked

Node Red - "current active alarms" via API?

Looking for "current active alarms" if that data is in there?

Is it in the VRM API node : Installations / Get alarms?

I am getting a "0" as payload now. Will it give me a number of active alarms when they are active? Many thanks

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

Also interested in your question. Using grafana, I couldn't find all the system alarms. I have to specify a particular alarm.


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houser avatar image houser Fideri commented ·

Ok, thanks for that also. I assume one might be able to build something in node red that does this. I want basically something similar to what VRM does when it says " 2 active alarms" but in Node Red.

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4 Answers
Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·

I use diagnostic data from the API. Because the "positions" of the data changes randomly, I use certain phrases (those have never changed) to filter the data. If you need that, let me know. I have to clean up the script first as it's written specifically for my install.


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houser avatar image
houser answered ·

Thanks @Fideri

I would be interested in your script if it is not too much work, as I don't know what it does..

I ended up creating a dashboard with a number of text fields to get started and get a grasp.

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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


Not sure what happened there. I was responding to a totally different question which has now disappeared! Anyhow, I will just share the script.


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houser avatar image
houser answered ·

Thanks again @Fideri

I figured out my other question so was trying to be quick and clever and deleted it, as there was no answer yet. Sorry about that, Appreciate you sharing your script!

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