
Timo Jurado avatar image
Timo Jurado asked

Ve.Direct to LoRaWAN change band US902-928 to AU915?

Hi is there any possibility today to change the working frequency band of a Ve.Direct to LoRaWAN from band US902-928 to AU915?

This can be done by local dealers?

Kind regards


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1 Answer
Simon avatar image
Simon answered ·

@Timo Jurado have a look in the file stored on pycom

Transmitter class, handles LoRaWAN connectivity.

# LoRaWAN region, used for setting which freqencies we use

# LoRaWAN OTAA configuration
LORAWAN_APP_EUI = '70b88888888888'
LORAWAN_APP_KEY = '3f8888888888888888888888880'

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VE.Direct protocol FAQ