
jmynier avatar image
jmynier asked

100a or 32a autotransformer?

Can someone tell me what the 100a autotransformer is built for vs the 32a? I'm just trying to run a 240v mini split from a 120v charger/inverter. Wasn't sure if the 30a or 100a is suitable or inverters or if one or the other is more suitable for generator power. I'm only using solar and grid, not generator. Thanks

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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

It's genuinely all in the name - the 32A can handle 32A 240v feed through current, while the 100A can handle 100A of 240v feed through current.

Unless it's one hell of a mini split I can't imagine it'd be pulling more than 32A, but only you or your electrician can determine that for sure.

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jmynier avatar image
jmynier answered ·

Thanks for the quick response, I'm just wondering what application the 100a would be for? The extra $60 is worth it to me for the 100a if it means I can expand to handle more appliances in the future. Is that basically what the higher amp rating will provide? More room to grow?

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rickc avatar image rickc commented ·

Autotransformer has multiple applications, yours is Step Up Voltage.

People using them to load balance a pair of split phase inverters (like me), purchased the 100A version because it can just pass through all of my 240V loads without impacting the autotransformer, and my 120V loads are then evenly balanced on each inverter (rather than having one leg exceed the maximum inverter power).

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