
holledauer avatar image
holledauer asked

Smart battery 330 Ah mounting orientation


I bought a Smart Battery 330 Ah (Part # HQ2246RT73W). The dealer told me that it is possible to mount this battery 90 degrees rotated, meaning the connecting ports not up but to the side.

I am not sure if this is correct. That data sheets says that all battery except of the 330 Ah version can be mounted that way, but not the one I bought.

Asking the dealer once again he confirms that he sees no problems in turning it to the side although the data sheet does not allow this.

What is your recommendation? What is the risk mounting the battery on the side?


Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

To preserve your warranty, please mount the battery as directed in the installation manual.

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holledauer avatar image
holledauer answered ·

Thanks so much for the quick answer. I understand that it is necessary to follow the installation manual to prevent warranty. But besides warranty, is there a technical risk when not following these recommendations? The 90 degrees rotated position would extremely helpful for me.

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There is, which is why that battery model is expressly excluded from the allowance of other mounting methods for the other battery models - it's simply a matter of internal construction and baffling which, with the large and relatively heavy cells inside that battery, could lead to cell shifting and/or dislodgment of the balancing board when mounted improperly, particularly if then subjected to vibration as might be found in a land- or marine-type mobile installation.

Obviously any shifting of the cells could lead to cell rupture or damage to/shorting of the balancing board. Lots of coulds here, it's not like the world would instantly come to an end if you did it... but if any of those coulds actually did, it would be expensive and potentially hazardous, so generally better advised to just abide by the manual.

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