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VRM issues. Not show blue line of battery

I have been using VRM APP for 4 years and all worked ok. But from a couple of weeks, when I open de remote App, I see in the first page where all installations are seen, always the same parameters: 25% load of battery, solar 142w and so on. All days, no matter what hour of the day, shows the same parameters. When I clic in my installation and the APP shows all my installation parameters, at the begining shows the same parameters (25%, etc) but in 2 or 3 seconds appears the actual parameters. It updates automatically. If I close the App and open again, the wrong parameters appears again (25% and so on). The pattern is always the same.

And in the graphical view of the actual situation, when appears bars in colors and the blue line of the battery, this blue line doesn't appear any more. No matter the hour of the day.

I have tried with my wife App and the behaviour is the same. And I have tried with web access, and is the same. What can be the origin of the problem and how can I solve it? Thank you very much.

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