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dbx120 asked

VRM calculating "Gateway: System - Battery Voltage & Current" values differently on different sites

Hi There,

I have 2 different sites seeming doing the Gateway: System - Battery Voltage and Current" calculations differently.

On one system, the VE.Bus and MPPT currents are added together into the Gateway:System current value. EG: If the MPPT is putting out 20A, and the VE.Bus system is putting out 10A, the system current will be 30A.

On the other system the MPPT output current does not add to the VE.Bus current - the Gateway:System current is the same as the VE.Bus current.

Both of these systems do not have a SmartShunt or Canbus battery monitor. Both have the battery monitor enabled in the Multiplus and this is selected as the system battery monitor under "automatic" in the Cerbo.

Firmware of one Cerbo is 3.4 and the other is 3.33 (close enough not to matter I think)



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