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Multiplus Charging Current

I have a Multiplus 3000/120 connected to a ~1,000Ah LFP battery bank. No coms between the batteries and the Victron equipment. SmartShunt and Cerbo also connected to Multi.

When I first installed the system, I was able to get 120A charging current from the Multi. I would typically decrease the AC input current limit via the Digital Multi Control to something around 5-10A to limit the charge current when I was not in a time crunch to get the batteries charged. However, on occasion, I would want to get them charged ASAP, increase the current limit up over 20A, and see 120A from the Multi. However, recently, the Multi will not deliver more than about 85A (although the exact current varies ~±5A, even with the current limit set to max (50A). With 20A of DC loads, that means a net of about 65A from the Multi going towards charging the batteries, and the Multi drawing something like 12A at 120Vac. This is during bulk charging, with the Multi showing a charging voltage a full 0.5V below absorption voltage. Based on this, it seems the Multiplus is limiting the charge current. Why? I have confirmed that the charge current limit on the Multiplus is set at 120A. No error lights on the front of the Multiplus. Could it be heat? If so, is there a way to 'see' this?

battery charging
2 |3000

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