
camperfoelie avatar image
camperfoelie asked

MPPT 75/15 nothing connected to battery

whatsapp-image-2024-07-22-at-082207.jpeg Hi, a friend had a problem with his invertor in a camper, and i noticed that the battery and loads are all connected to LOAD, and nothing to BATTERY. In The victron app u can see that it is working, and putting power into the battery. Can u wire it like that? A bit weird. The invertor offcourse, is directly connected to the battery

battery charging
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

It should not be wired that way. The load port output is also limited.

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Also check the panel wiring carefully. Red and black are reversed, which points to more problems. Anyone disconnecting the panel connections is likely to reverse them on reconnection and blow the controller.

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camperfoelie avatar image camperfoelie kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

I did not even notice that, thank u

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