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crumble1970 asked

How to monitor output from IstaBreeze

Quick overview.

Quatro with 10kw Victron batteries in series with house. Also mains connected.

3.6kw solar charging Quattro ‘inside victron meter EM24 to consumer panel. Works perfectly.

also inside on consumer panel, other side of EM24 I have a Multiplus 2 GX, and victron MPTT to solar panels, with 10kw Lithium batteries.

Second Solar arrays connected inside consumer panel, inside EM24, thus charge Multiplus first ( and hot water and radiators )

also working perfectly.

all balanced and controlled for use by the Quattro when it wants the extra storage turned charge / discharge.

where I am stuck.
batteries on the Multiplus also have a IstaBeeze 2kw wind generator inc 500w (actual 400w and North facing ) solar charge controller connected.
Although, not windy, the panels are generating some charge. I can’t see any Victron solution to add to the DC lines to monitor this rogue input.

Any suggestions on what to add to enable the Multiplus 2 GX to monitor this input? The VE- is used by the MPPT controller Already.

A concern

Whilst the wind controller will auto shut down the wind generator if it hits max battery voltage, when the Multiplus reaches the 100% SOC it turns off the MPPT solar controller, even though Feed in excess DC couple PV is enabled ( working on that one ), so not sure what it will do for simple DC rising above max charge voltage. On a windy day I’d want excess as feed in - I.e the Quattro which I know does then feed in excess to the mains.

All components are on the very latest firmware.

any suggestions are welcome.

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