
aleks-gob avatar image
aleks-gob asked

3-phase Quattros system integrating wirth Solar Edge SE27.6K AC inverter

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to combine my existing 3-phase Quattros system with SolarEdge 3-phase AC inverter.

Have only found a short advisory manual on that - "Integrating with Solar Edge", which is not enugh clearly (as for me) describes fully all connections and settings.

If anyone is using such a combination, or has experience on this integration installment, please give me advices and/or links for more detailed instructions.

My concern is that it's a wartime now in my country (Ukraine) with numerous sudden grid losses during each day, thus need to configure y system having as less as possible risk to damage and/or fail my home energy system.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargersolaredgesystem integration
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You will have to follow the online document you found for frequency shifting values in the ess assistant. When offgrid it should respond to that and control production so as to not overcharge the batteries (which is the biggest concern for ac pv control offgrid).

As far as i am aware the only other issue you will have that the system will not be able to control feedback to the grid. For some Solar edges you can use its own grid meter for that. I dont know that model specifically.

PV inverters are injections into the grid so wire it like its own manual describes, they are very simple in that manner. You could use ac 2 out and program a fail safe to have it shut off in the event that the batteries are being overcharged.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

On a side note also include some dc pv as well.

I added the tag solaredge to your post. There is a whole section of posts under that tag for more research.

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Integrating with SolarEdge

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