
Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image
Barbara (Victron Energy) asked

New in Dynamic ESS: Battery balancing

We are excited to introduce a new feature designed to extend the lifespan of your battery through regular balancing charges.

This enhancement to Dynamic ESS ensures your battery periodically charges to 100%, maintaining full capacity for 2 hours. Dynamic ESS will select the cheapest time of day for these full charges, saving you money while protecting your battery.

Why is this needed?
Typically, the schedule in Dynamic ESS won’t keep your battery charged to 100% for some time due to price considerations. However, not reaching full charge can shorten the lifespan of your battery. Regularly charging to 100% helps maintain battery health and longevity.

Note: this is especially helpful when sun hours are limited in the days, meaning the battery doesn’t get charged frequently.

How do I set it up?
You don’t have to do anything! By default, periodic charging will occur every 14 days for all Dynamic ESS users. If you prefer to opt out of this feature or want the charging to happen more frequently than every 14 days, you can adjust these settings in your Dynamic ESS configuration.


How will I know if periodic charging is happening?
In the DESS section of your dashboard, you will see an information box on the day(s) periodic charging is scheduled. This will help you understand why the DESS schedule includes more frequent charging on those days.


This new feature ensures your battery remains healthy and efficient, providing you with reliable performance and peace of mind. For more details and to manage your settings, visit the Dynamic ESS configuration in your dashboard.

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