
davidtudor avatar image
davidtudor asked

Phase Missing After Generator Stops


i very intermittently get Phase Missing fault, this is a 3 phase system with 3 slaves also, Multiplus ii 5kva, all exactly same units all on same software.

I lose electric for a small amount of time and then boots back up, sometimes happens after generator has been charging and then stops as the charging is up to level.


3 phase
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Have you physically see which phase it is that is doing it? That usually narrows down where the issue is.

Error 17

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davidtudor avatar image davidtudor Alexandra ♦ commented ·


no, I haven't I presume it will show you by the lights on front, the problem is its so quick at restoring, I cant catch it, one thought I had was to put CCTV camera in there pointing at the Multiplus?

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