
darthnomster avatar image
darthnomster asked

Initial Commissioning - One Battery Imbalanced

I installed 3x 330Ah Battery Smart in my boat in the last week. MultiPlus, VE.Bus BMS V2, Cerbo, SmartShunt all connected and talking.

Two batteries show "Balanced" status in VictronConnect. One is showing "Imbalance" (High cell = 3.39v, Low cell = 3.35v). VE Configure, when the Victron Smart Lithium profile is selected, sets all of the charging profile settings as consistent with the battery manual, except the absorption time, which it sets to 1 hr. All of the documentation that I can find says to set absorption time to 2 hrs, since that's where the balancing happens. Is the documentation correct, or is the charge profile from Victron correct? VE Configure version is the most current (90.04.238). Should I override the build-in charge profile and set Absorption to 2 hrs? All firmwares are current.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Override it if you want but 0.04v of a difference is hardly unbalanced.

Your other option is to charge it to balanced on its own.

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