
skillenes avatar image
skillenes asked

Trouble change RPI with a new Cerbo

I can't change my RPI with a new Cerbo. All cables are plugged in, internet is cabled to an router.

I go into the vrmportal to replace the gx device with a new Cerbo.When I shall add the new device to the portal I got this text up "All administrators of the installation have been notified by email. It will be accessible for you after one of them approves the request". There is only me who is admin. for this account. It's stop here I can't get further. Anyone who have a solutions of this?

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·



1. Try register the new GX with its own install.

2. Then use the replace GX option on the Pi install with the new install one.

You can delete the second one you created afterwards.

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skillenes avatar image skillenes commented ·

Whatever I try, too make a new install with the Cerbo or replace the GX option with a new install in the vrmportal, I get up the same message "All administrators of the installation have been notified by email. It will be accessible for you after one of them approves the request". This is a new device so there shouldn't be another admin.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ skillenes commented ·

You are correct if new there are no admins.

You have several options open to you.

Return the device. Not really solving an issue though.

Ask for official support here. (Get in touch near the bottom)

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