
molttravel avatar image
molttravel asked

Resetting PIN without PUK code

I cannot connect my BMV 712 and MPPT to my phone. It fails at 80% and asks me for the PIN. 000000 no longer works and the PUK code isn’t accessible due to how the devices are mounted. I bought my bus with the system already installed from the original owner and had no problem connecting everything to my Android. But I recently switched from my Android to and iPhone and now I can’t connect. The devices show up on my Victron app, so I was able to see the serial numbers for each. Is it possible to get the PUK code with just the serial number? Also, to make things more complex, the Victron dealer isn’t reachable. Their phone and website aren’t working and they haven’t responded to my email request support. Any suggestions?

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Molttravel

It is possible to recover. I’ll forward on your enquiry and someone will be in touch via email.

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