
spicedreams avatar image
spicedreams asked

EasySolar Fan sucks from the top, exhausts below

Is this normal?

I imagine it would be more effective to suck in cooler air from below and exhaust it above.

My EasySolar II GX 48/3000/35-32 rapidly derates (or at least, gives Overload warnings) even under modest load, even in winter in an unheated shipping container with ambient temperature ~10C. The fan runs, but blows a little hot air out below (working against the natural buoyancy of hot air). The easySolar is probably getting hot inside. Is the airflow direction a factor in this?


EasySolar All-in-Onefan
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi i think you should open it en check direction of the fan, normally there are markings on the fan chassis that state flow direction, it should blow out warm air from the top

If not turn the fan around

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spicedreams avatar image spicedreams commented ·
By doing that, will I void my warranty?
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL spicedreams commented ·
im not sure, the case is easy to open, if you dont want to do it, let your victron supplier do it
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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Once you have forced cooling it makes little difference to the heat transfer efficiency if it is up, down or sideways, the air velocity significantly exceeds the that generated by natural convection.

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spicedreams avatar image spicedreams commented ·

The effect seems to be only to blow a little hot air out of the bottom, despite the fan running as hard as you would expect.

Is there a picture anywhere of what to expect inside the case?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ spicedreams commented ·

The thing to watch, apart from mains voltage, is the connection to the screen on the cover. Screws have PH2 heads, not pozidrive.

But if you're not sure, get it to the dealer. Heavy lump and plenty of wires to disconnect.

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Related Resources

EasySolar 1600 product page

EasySolar-II GX 3000 & 5000 product page

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