
ako avatar image
ako asked

Program older Multiplus

whatsapp-image-2024-06-27-at-201126.jpegFriend has an older Multiplus , not sure how old it is but he had it installed 7 years ago . He has now bought LiFePO4 batteries and a MK3 dongle but after reading some online posts im not sure it can be settings can be for Lithium .

What's confusing is i have read that it has to connect to Victron Connect to configure the Charge , Float and equalisation settings which is all that is needed as he has a very simple setup however because of its age i read that its not possible with the MK3 , on that Multiplus as its processor or chipset is to old . Other posts mentions Victron Configure which i use myself but i have internet , friend hasn't . I have always update all firmwear on all of my Victron equipment with the exception of my Multipluses on advice form the dealer that sold it so Im already hesitant and would like to avoid if at all possible .

Which if any should be Used , Victron Connect or Victron Configure and how .

The reason for concern is that he only bought 400 Amp Hrs x 24 volt Lithium after years with 600 Amp Hr Lead Acid and has always started his generator to Run their Washing machine and Dishwasher and during bad weather in the winter so without adjusting the charging settings he will be damaging his very expensive new Lithium which has consumed all of their savings .

Would be very grateful for any advice or suggestions

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5 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


It will have the 'new' microprocessor, but probably firmware too old for VictronConnect. The MK3 and VEConfigure should work fine without internet to update charge settings.

That said, it should have a Lithium profile, but that may have been improved over the years. A fw update too would be my choice, but that's another story..

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ako avatar image ako commented ·
Thank you John i know from reading many posts here that your clearly experienced and knowledgeable on Victron products but i would like to know how can you tell it will have the new microprocessor , the reason i ask is that i read an article which mentions that Multiplus made within the last 5 years will have the new one so by default its saying over 5 years will have the old . The friend is away at the moment so i will have to wait for him to photograph the number inside the top section to see what it starts with , either 19 or 26 , i understand it has to be 26 .
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ ako commented ·
Pop the lid and take a pic of the microcontroller. First 2 digits will show old or new as you have mentioned.
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ ako commented ·

The HQ number sez made 2016, week 42. Not old enough for that model to be an early chip. And my guess is that the the chip will show ~158 fw. If you google that PMP number you might find you can still actually buy these new. Tough kit..

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ako avatar image ako JohnC ♦ commented ·
Thanks John , i just noticed from the photo i was sent that it doesn't show a RJ45 port for the MK3
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ako avatar image
ako answered ·

Hes managed to get me a photo of the inside of the unit . If anyone notices all the input wires going into it then they are , 1/Battery 2/ Victron MPPTS , the installer had been installing 12 years by the time he fitted this system so experienced .

If this means i can use Victron Connect OR Victron Configure i have used both many times on my own system but in tis situation which is recommended . I cant see any way to turn off Equalization on Victron Configure which might be the deciding factor . .


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Thats the new processor, but you will need to use veflash to take it the the latest version 552 for model 2614. Then the apps will work.
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ako avatar image ako nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
That's what i was hoping i could avoid , read so many horror stories when updating Firm wear on Multiplus . He has just paid out for a mk3 so he's not going to be happy about buying another dongle .
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ ako commented ·
veflash is software that uses the mk3.

The upgrade is easy but settings have to be reapplied as they will be wiped so important to document the current ones.

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ako avatar image ako ako commented ·
Looking at the photo i cant see a RJ45 port to plug the mk3 into
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ ako commented ·

It is not visible from that angle. Have a look at the connection overview in the current multi manual, should be close enough.

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ako avatar image
ako answered ·

Found them , they are only accessible from the lower section , there's 2 of them so i presume one is for communicating and the other for daisy chain together and i hope I'm right in thinking i can connect the mk3 to either .

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Correct, just don't connect to a GX and mk3 concurrently, if he has one.

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ako avatar image ako nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
He has no internet and just a basic system . I just messages him and asked him to plug the mk3 into the Inverter and his laptop or phone which i put Victron Connect on then send me a screenshot of what is showing
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ ako commented ·
It looks like it has 408 firmware currently. That should support lithium, he will need to use veconfigure, victron connect won't work.
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ako avatar image
ako answered ·

Sorry to appear thick but i now have the manual and it says a MK2 and rs232 connector has to be used , i dont have either . Have the mk3 and laptops with just normal USB and Type C ports

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Which manual are you using? A vebus product uses the mk3, something that should be fine on a 26xx product.
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ako avatar image
ako answered ·

This is the relevantwhatsapp-image-2024-07-08-at-160208.jpeg page


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Try the mk3 it should work with veconfigure.
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ako avatar image ako nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Just been there and plugged in the MK3 between the Multiplus and my Android phone and it connected to Victron Connect straight away . Fist thing after the password of zzz was a message to say an update was required form 408 to a number well over 500 so i gritted my teeth and confirmed the upgrade and it was successful . Unplugged it and plugged into my laptop and everything seems to be there so will go back in a couple of days and set up using user defined settings to the Lithium manufactures voltages . Thank you everyone for your help , couldn't have done it without you .
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Just like the MultiPlus that manual is almost 8 years old (on the back of the manual you can see the revision).

The MK3 wasn't available at the time the manual was printed.

The MK3 interface was released late 2016/early 2017.

This is the current revision of the manual:

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