
Robert Lener avatar image
Robert Lener asked

VE.Direct to USB adapter cable Orion XS with 5m USB extension cable


we used a Victron VE.Direct to USB adapter cable to connect the Orion XS to a Cerbo GX as all VE.Direct ports a block by two MPPTs and a BMV.

The cable length of the VE.Direct to USB adapter cable is to short and we used a 5m USB extension cable to connect to the CerboGX. Unfortunately the CerboGX does not see the Orion XS in the device list.

Any suggestions why this is the case?

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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Does the cable work without extension? If so then your extension cable is not ok,

you could also try to put good quality powered hub in between

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